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Yoga {not just} for Equestrians

Today most folks know or at least have heard that yoga increases flexibility, improves balance, enhances strength, promotes endurance, and calms the mind.  Certainly something of this nature could benefit everyone!

Today most folks know or at least have heard that yoga increases flexibility, improves balance, enhances strength, promotes endurance, and calms the mind.  Certainly something of this nature could be beneficial to everyone!  Let’s explore a few ways this may be a virtue for equestrians.


Yoga poses stretch all muscles and will specifically open up the shoulders, hips and spinal column.  More flexibility magnifies fluidity and grace while riding.  Less pain from compression and tightness make long rides and full days of training much more pleasurable. 


Most every yoga class will consist of a series of balancing poses.  This requires concentration and focus combined with postural alignment.  Aside from keeping you in the saddle (instead of on the ground), core balance provides more control of your horse and allows you to “hold” yourself in position.  This makes it possible for the horse to stay  balanced and connected with you, the rider.


Some yoga classes focus on precise physical alignment and may require that poses be held for relatively long periods of time, while other classes center their attention on the repetition of a multitude of poses.  Interestingly enough, both of these styles build incredible strength and promote endurance while enhancing overall posture.  This too, will increase comfort while riding.


Everyone feels the pressure of stressors at one time or another.  The notion of climbing atop a 1200 pound animal might be enough to spark panic in some.  Our thoughts, whether positive or negative, are energetically transmitted to your horse.  Yoga teaches us to become aware of, deepen, and control the breath; which in turn calms the mind.  Even pre-competition nervousness can morph into serenity when attention is drawn toward breath control.

With more strength, flexibility and confidence your rides will become more delightful for you and your horse.  Your horse will thank you, I promise.”

My suggestion is to choose a yoga style and a teacher that resonate with your inner self.  Whether you ride or not, yoga WILL transform your life!

Copyright Janet Meredith. Originally written and published 12/14/10 via twisted-yoga.blogspot. Published in Natural Awakenings/Palm Beach County Edition, January 2011 and The Jupiter Farmer, January 2011 #equestrian #yogaretreats #yogawillchangeyourlife #truth #yoga365 #flexibility #balance #strengthendurance #mind #calmyourmind #strengthenyourbody

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